mit Bernd Kühne und Jörg Schönert:
Stimmen-Wirrwarr? Zur Relation von Erzählerin- und Figuren-Stimmen in Elfriede Jelineks Roman »Gier«.
In: Andreas Blödorn, Daniela Langer, Michael Scheffel: Stimme(n) im Text. Narratologische Positionsbestimmungen. Berlin, New York: de Gruyter, 2006, S. 195-232.
In dem Sammelband-Beitrag haben wir den Versuch unternommen, die Vielzahl von 'Stimmen' in Elfriede Jelineks Roman Gier zu analysieren. Da sich die traditionelle narratologische Trennung von Wahrnehmen und Sprechen bei der Analyse als problematisch erwies, galt es, ein eigenes Instrumentarium zur Beschreibung des Zusammenhangs von Blick und Stimme zu entwickeln.
Abstract (English)
The multiplicity of 'voices' in the narrator's speech and that of the introduced characters is characteristic of prose fiction by Elfriede Jelinek. In the example of her novel Gier (Greed), it will be tested whether or not the currently accepted narratological standards are sufficient for a differentiated analysis of the text. In doing so, the categorical separation from perception and speech, gaze and voice is proved problematic, so that in part II of the article, an instrument has been developed and a chart has been put together to describe in a typological process – following Schmid (2005) [i.e. Elemente der Narratologie] – the connection between perception and mediation.
The effectiveness of this instrument should become visible in featuring an exemplary passage of the text from Gier in an attachment to the article. In part III, based on a complete analysis of the novel, its characteristic pattern of the narrative organization will be described.